Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sangat happy finally my wedding card siap juga....n excited juga kan colour ya.....opssss......very klasik n vintage ( ai bukan sama kah tu ha )......apapun i love design, picture n kata2 doa sapa2 nak kahwin order kat link ni ok dipermudahkan lagi jalan-jalan seterusnya..amin

Wedding Dresses

ok 2 week lagi ada photoshoot kat studio..........i'm very excited n i cant wait........cuma yg merisaukan kan.....baju kat studio tu semua nya 'kemban2'..............tak nak lah pakai mcm tu.....not like me.....x mencerminkan aku betul lah.......klu boleh nak bju2 mcm kat atas ni simple but dramatic..........tapi dimana mau cari ya? studio kat sandakan tu tak sampai pun 10....tak kan lah aku nak heret tunang aku ke kk kan......:)


OMG ! REALLY CUTE KAN..........nah sekarang tengah-tengah explore ni guestbook yang lucu n mcm mana give lah some idea dolls....idea ni dewi ambil kat blog ni.........sungguh memberi inspirasi........

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Tip 4: KFC pilihan hati?

Korang suka KFC? Aku sangat menyukai KFC, sebab di KFC aku boleh makan ayam, dan ayam itu adalah protein. Dan bagi aku, antara banyak-banyak fast food outlet kategori murah di Malaysia, KFC adalah antara restoran yang OK berbanding MacDonald, Pizza Hut, atau yang seangkatan dengannya, walaupun terletak sebagai pilihan kedua selepas Subway yang jauh lebih menyihatkan.

Namun menyukai KFC tidak bererti aku akan makan di sana setiap hari. Itu bukan diet yang seimbang. Aku cuma berkunjung ke KFC seminggu sekali, jika tidak bersama keluarga, bersama teman-teman (bukan teman wanita, kerana aku masih single).

Memandangkan aku masih belum jumpa mana-mana entri berkenaan 'makan di KFC dengan cara yang sihat' oleh mana-mana blogger di Malaysia, biarlah aku menjadi orang yang pertama melakukannya. Berikut aku rungkaikan rahsia, beberapa tips untuk mengubah diet di KFC daripada 'tidak sihat' kepada 'lebih sihat'.

1 - Pilih Bahagian Dada
Bahagian dada ayam adalah yang paling kurang lemak dan paling tinggi protein. Malah kalori per gramnya juga lebih rendah berbanding bahagian-bahagian yang lain. Bahagian yang paling tinggi lemak dan kalori? Thigh (aku tak pasti istilahnya dalam bahasa Melayu, tapi bahagian yang dekat-dekat bontot ayam tu, ada sesiapa nak bantu?).

2 - Buang kulit dan kerak tepung
Kulit dan kerak tepung mengandungi kandungan lemak/minyak yang sangat tinggi. Dan tinggi lemak itu bererti tinggi kalori. Seketul *betis ayam goreng berserta kulit/kerak tepung mengandungi 10g lemak (179kcal) - kandungan lemak bersamaan kira-kira satu sudu besar minyak masak, manakala seketul betis ayam goreng tanpa kulit/kerak tepung mengandungi 4g lemak (92kcal). Lihat, dengan sedikit 'modifikasi' sahaja dah boleh mengurangkan 87kcal!

3 - Pilih perisa 'spicy', bukannya 'original'
En. Susu Sejat, kenapa mesti spicy (sekarang dikenali sebagai Hot Black Pepper) dan bukannya original? Sebabnya mudah, makanan yang berempah ni boleh meningkatkan metabolism, dan tinggi metabolism bererti kita boleh 'membakar' kalori lebih pantas berbanding biasa, seterusnya membantu mereka yang 'terlebih berat' untuk turun berat badan dengan pantas.

4 - Minta air kosong (atau mineral)
Pepsi? Mirinda? 7 up? Tolak ketepi semua tu. Disamping harganya yang mahal (memandangkan ia adalah minuman 'gula' tanpa sebarang khasiat, maka RM1.80 per cup itu bagi Susu Sejat adalah mahal) minuman sebegini langsung tidak menyihatkan. Segelas Pepsi yang dijual di KFC hanya mengandungi kira-kira 7 sudu teh gula berserta beberapa mol gas karbonat dan sedikit perasa. Berbaloikah kita membayar RM1.80 hanya untuk 7 sudu teh gula, sedangkan sekampit gula 1kg gula cuma berharga RM1.60? Fikir-fikirkanlah..

5 - Hindari 'French Fries' atau 'Wedges'
Ambil sehelai tisu, lipat, dan picit sama ada sebatang wedges mahupun sebatang french fries di antara dua lipatan tadi. Sekarang anda faham maksud Susu Sejat? Sebatang dua adalah OKAY, tetapi kalau makanan sebegini, mampukah kita untuk makan hanya sebatang dua, sedangkan kita sudah membayar kira-kira RM3 untuk sehidangan wedges? Dipendekkan cerita, hindari terus makanan ni lebih elok, malah menjimatkan wang.

6 - Lapkan minyak yang berlebihan
Selepas membuang kulit ayam dan kerak tepung, korang mesti perasan akan kilaun-kilauan minyak pada permukaan isi ayam tersebut. Lapkan minyak-minyak tersebut dengan tisu yang telah dibekalkan oleh pelayan KFC. Korang boleh menyingkirkan beberapa puluh kalori jika mempraktikkan teknik ini.

Jadi, siapa cakap kalau nak kuruskan badan kita kena 'mengharamkan' KFC? Secara asasnya, tip-tip yang dinyatakan di atas adalah bertujuan untuk mengurangkan pengambilan kalori, terutamanya kalori dari minyak dan gula. Cubalah!

Oh ya, buat mereka yang ingin menaikkan berat badan, KFC is also a good weight gainer, along with proper weight training and of course, your daily calorie intake must slightly exceeds your DCR. It loads your nutrition with plenty amount of protein along with sufficient amount of fat (based on the tips given).

Untuk senarai maklumat pemakanan hidangan di KFC, sila rujuk di sini.

*Betis = Drumstick

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Belly Dance Part 2

Basic Arabian

Alat Senaman

Best nya kan kalau ada alat mcm ni jual di malaysia, sure punya perut mesti kecil

Kim Kardashian's Tips for Dressing a Curvy Body

Love Your Curves!

"Being confident and owning your body is sexy. I love to show off my curves and designers like Thatcher, Antonio Berardi, Preen, Altuzarra, Markus Lupfer and Brian Lichtenberg make amazing dresses that fit my body perfectly."

Embrace Shapewear

"Every woman from a size 0-14 should own Spanx! I love Shapewear by Body Wrap; they have a firm control long leg panty that makes my body look smoother and slimmer under fitted dresses without leaving any lines."

Find a Great Tailor

"Anything you wear should be proportioned to your body, and a good tailor will make sure everything fits perfectly. I either have my tailor at every fitting or I have my stylist pin my wardrobe and take it to the tailor before I wear anything. Shortening a hem line on a dress can make a huge difference!"

Accentuate Your Waist

"Show off that tiny waist! Adding a belt makes your outfit look more polished. I have great belts from Phillip Lim and Alaia. Vintage belts are one of a kind and can be affordable too."

Avoid Oversize Tops and Dresses

"I know they are comfortable and they look amazing on Nicole Richie but flowy tops and dresses are not flattering on a curvy figure. They can make you look pregnant and they look sloppy in photos. Try wearing a maxidress instead. A.L.C, Torn by Ronny Kobo and T Bags make some great ones."

Cocoa Collagen

Inilah minuman yang dewi minum dah mcm 2 week tau....sangat bagus n berbaloi2.....silalah order dengan Rooaida kat FB ok......muka dewi pun dah sekata tau....dulu muka kering n now sangat puas hati :)............

Notes About Diet

Diet Rendah Lemak

Biarpun diet rendah lemak adalah diet yang bagus untuk kesihatan jantung anda tetapi jika tidak dilakukan dengan cara yang betul bakal memudaratkan anda. Diet rendah lemak membuatkan anda juga ekurangan asid lemak seperti linoleic dan linolenic yang diperlukan tubuh untuk membantu sel berfungsi dengan smpurna.

Badan kita tidak mampu membina asid ini dengan sendirinya. Atas alasan itulah sel tubuh memerlukan asig lemak dari makanan untuk membantu membina sl. Jika kandungannya dalam tubuh adalah kurang ataupun tidak mencukupi, anda akan terdedah kepada masalah-masal seperti berikut.

a. kulit kering
b. mudah letih
c. maah dalam sesetengah kes ia boleh menjejaskan fungsi penglihatan.

Jadikan ianya lebih menyihatkan: Hakikatnya diet rendah lemak tidak sepatutnya menjadi “diet tanpa lemak”. Anda tidak perlu bimbang untuk mengambil lemak dalam diet harian jika kena dengan kuantirti yang diperlukan.

Pastikan diet rendah lemak anda masih mengandungi 30% kuantiti lemak. Sumber asid lemak yang baik boleh didapati dari sumber kacang soya, jagung ikan, kacang walnut, kuaci, minyak canola dan minyak bunga matahari.

Diet rendah lemak juga bukanlah halangan untuk anda mendapatkan sumber vitamin lan dari sayiran dan buahan. Sunber serat juga masih diperlukan dalam diet ini. Bagi mamastikan anda mendapat sumber vitamin E dan antioksidan yang cukup, anda disarankan mengam\bil

• 1 sudu besar kuaci= 51 Kalori/4.5 gram lemak
• Dressing (dalam hidangan saladz)
• 1 sudu besar hirisan badam= 39 kalori/ 3.4 gram lemak
• 1 hirisan avocado= 60 kalori/ 5.5 gram lemak.

2. Diet Rendah Karbohidrat

Pengambilan diet rendah lemak kebiasaanya adalah dengan mengurangkan atau melupuskan terus pengambilan makanan berkabohodrat seperti nasi, gandum dan produk tenusu.

Pengambilan secara tidak seimbang akan menyebabkan kepada kekurangan kalisium, asid folik, phytochemicals dan serat dalam badan. Jika kandungannya dalam tubuh adalah kurang ataupun tidak mencukupi, anda akan terdedah kepada masalah-masal seperti berikut.

• Mudah berasa letih
• Sering mengalami masalah penghadaman.

Sekiranya anda menhgalami masalah di atas, anda digalakkan untuk mengambil alternartif lain bagi menggantikan nutrition yang kutrang ini. Antara saranannya adalah debgan mengambil mkana2 seperti:

• Ikan sardine
• Ikan solmon dalam tin bersama tulang
• Brokoli
• Bok choy dan sayuran hijau lain.

3. Diet Rendah kalori

Amalan diet seperti ini adalah dengan memotong pengambilan kalori secara drastik. Pada hakikatnya, cara inia adalah salah kerana mengikut saranan diet yang baik dan sihat, minimum kalori yg mesti dibekalkan kepada badan anda adalah 1500 kalori

Sekiranya pengambilan kalori adalah jauh berbeza daripada keperluan badanm seseorang, ini akan menyebabkan baddan anda mengalami kekurangan zat besi, serat, lemak dan kandungan phytochemicals. Ini akan mendedahkan anda dengan:

• Pening kepala
• Rasa mual
• Sakit di abdomen
• Kulit kering
• Keletihan
• Keguguran rambut

Diet seperti ini tidak digalakkan melebihi 3 bulan.

Anda digalakkan untuk mengira kalori dalam setiap pengambilan makanan. Waalu pun ianya sesuatu yang sukar pada peringkat awal, namum demi kesihatan tubuh badan, anda perlu belajar untuk mengira kalri dalam pemakanan anda.


Anda pengemar Teh? Pastinya anda tersenyum sampai ke pipi mendengar khabar berita ini. Menurut satu penelitian yang di lakukan oleh pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Didapati teh mengandungi pelbagai khasiat dan manfaat yang amat berguna. Antara manfaat teh sebenarnya amat banyak, Antaranya seperti yang tercatat di bawah:-

1. Teh mampu membangkitkan semangat, meningkatkan daya pemikiran dan ingatan seseorang.

2. teh beruapaya menghilangkan rasa letih, meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh, memelihara fungsi jantung, pembuluh darah, usus dan hati.

3. Minum teh mampu mencegah kerosakan gigi, Dikatakan amalan meminum teh pada kanak-kanak dapat mengurungkan risiko kerosakan gigi sebanyak 60%

4. Minum teh dapat menghambatkan sel penuaan. Kesan antipenuaan yang terdapat didalam daun teh adalah 18kali ganda komposisinya daripada vitamin E

5. Minum teh dapat memperlahan dan menyekat pembentukan lemak pada selaput dalam pembuluh darah, mencegah pengerasan pembuluh nadi, tekanan darah tinggi dan penyumbat pembuluh darah pada otak.

6. Minum teh dapat merangsangkan saraf pusat dan merangsangkan kekuatan gerakan tubuh.

7. Amalan minum teh berupaya menurunkan berat badan dan menjaga kecantikan

8. Minum teh di percayai dapat mengatasi masalah katarak yang biasa dialami oleh mereka yang berusia. Tidak hanya dengan itu, ia juga boleh dijadikan penawar untuk mengubati radang rongga mulut dan radang rongga kerongkong yang kerap menyerang pada musim panas.

9. Minum teh dapat melindungi fungsi pembentukan darah. Daun teh mengandungi zat proteksi radiasi, Menonton televisyen sambil minum teh dikatakan dapat mengurangi bahaya radiasi televisyen sekali gus melindungi daya penglihatan anda.

10. Minum Teh dapat memelihara dan mengawal pengaliran darah dalam tubuh.

11. Air teh mudah di serap segera dalam tubuh dan di oksida.

12. Menyejukkan tubuh dan menurunkan suhu badan. Dikatakan selepas sembilan minit minum teh hangat, suhu tubuh menurun sebanyak 1 hingga 2 darjah Celsius.

13. Daun Teh mengandungi banyak unsur mikronutrien yang amat bermanfaat untuk tubuh.

14. Daun teh berupaya mengekang pertumbuhan sel kanser

Belly Dance


Do NOT starve yourself; this could be deadly!

Despite the lure of starving (or almost starving) yourself in order to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, this is absolutely not a healthy move in the long run. Such behavior can lead to serious disorders such as Bulimia Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa, which, although they are referred to as "eating disorders," are, in fact, emotional disorders. For more details on this topic, consult with your doctor or see the Related Link.

Other answers from WikiAnswers participants

  • If you starve yourself, you will be very unhealthy and weak and probably grumpy. And as soon as you start eating again, you will gain back all of the weight -- and probably more. It's better to eat 5-6 healthy light meals a day. And try to stay away from carbonated beverages and other junk foods. It may take a while for you to lose weight; each person is different. But if you are eating healthily, you will lose weight. You will lose even more weight if you exercise along with eating a healthy diet.
  • Do not starve yourself. When you skip a meal, your body stores more of the next one, and your metabolism also slows down -- even if just a little. If you make a habit out of starving yourself, you will become anorexic. This is a very unhealthy and unsafe way of trying to lose weight. You become hungry because your body needs food to keep it going. If you starve yourself, you will be killing your body (I'm not talking about skipping a meal here or there). It isn't healthy to not eat. There are many diets and exercise plans out there that you should try looking at. Anorexia is a very serious problem. Don't get yourself mixed up with it.
  • I starved myself, lost 30 pounds and gained 35 pounds back. You cannot starve yourself without gaining it all back. I'm sorry to be harsh about it, but it's only because I have gone through so much pain and anger from starving myself.

    I could give you 100 good reasons not to starve yourself. Don't think that it won't happen to you, because it will. I thought that I could go on starving myself forever and never gain a pound. I rolled my eyes when anyone tried to warn me or anyone else. In the end, I got help and I'm much happier.

    Please don't starve yourselves. I came so close to almost killing myself because of everything that I went through -- the dieting and then the binging. You will deprive yourself too much and your body will go crazy and eat everything in your house. Please try to hang in there. I know it's hard, but please just try to get help.
  • I think that starving yourself does help. But: you want to lose weight and look good, right? Well, how good will you feel when you are so hungry that the pain in your stomach is almost unbearable. In addition, your family feels helpless because they love you and do not want to see you throw your life away.

    Try the healthy method and eat lots of fruit, drink heaps of water, and stay away from the chocolate. Also, partying on the weekends does not help if you require the usual hangover cure of Macca's the next day. Try eating a Caesar salad; i did that, and it felt great. Just please don't starve. You are beautiful and anyone who doesn't see this has the problem -- not you!
  • I agree with the previous answer. Starving seems like a quick and easy way to get the body of your dreams. It might work physically; inside, however, you are slowing -- and sometimes quickly -- just killing yourself. It's so scary! Why do it?

  • What we all need is self-driven determination. I know it can be difficult to exercise. I hate saying No to pizza and a cold Pepsi, then choosing grapefruit and water instead. But instead of starvation, why not just eat healthy food, lose weight and exercise like every few days. Even healthy food alone does the trick; this way, your are still giving your body the nutrition and vitamins it needs and you still get to eat tasty food. A few things you can splurge on while eating healthily are slim fast shakes; grapefruit; a few Saltine crackers with cheese. And black coffee and tea are a great metabolism-booster.

    Lastly, water. It's so plain. But on those days where there's nothing to do, go jog or do sit-ups. After that, you will crave craving a tall glass of water and then get full on that. Trust me, it's so much healthier!

    I don't care if you weigh 200 pounds or if you have a big nose or the worst acne. You are all beautiful. Don't change for anybody; if they can't accept you for you, then they are just not accepting of themselves! You are truly beautiful. That's why God made you who you are. :)
  • An alternative to actually starving yourself is only eating foods in their natural form. Some examples are: Breakfast -- oatmeal - as much as you want; Lunch -- Caesar salad from McDonald's; Dinner -- vegetables, raw or cooked with no oil.

    You can eat oatmeal anytime you want and as much as you want; it will fill you up and take away the hunger.
  • What are you doing to yourselves? I've suffered from Anorexia for 11 years now (I was born into a family where such behavior and habits were normal). I subsisted on milk and sandwiches as a child. And now, at 17, I can hardly bring myself to have food touch my lips without hesitation.

  • Starving yourself is not the answer: you're hurting your brain, your muscle mass, the strength of your bones, your vital organs. If you want to lose weight, and keep it off, wouldn't you want to do the best and healthiest thing for your body to ensure that you look slim and slender -- and stay that way too? My fear of gaining weight, and body fat in general, increases every day of my life. Not a second goes by without thinking about it... Is that what you really want?

  • Starving yourself -- Anorexia, Bulimia -- these aren't ways of life, no matter how many pro-anorexics claim it to be; no matter how many nearly emaciated celebrities you see on TV. These women are sick. They are unhealthy, and in their future, they are looking for a slew of medical problems with the way they are dieting. Take advice from someone who has been to the very bottom, weighing 85 pounds at age 15, 5' 3", and still on a rocky recovery to a normal body weight. I know there is no hope for me of returning to a "regular diet," but please -- especially the women out there -- do not put yourselves in such a situation! Eat healthily, and exercise. Think positively of yourselves, and take time out every day to relieve stress. I promise you, the healthier way is a much, much better alternative than a slow and painful path to death....
  • Do you people notice how you have to KEEP starving yourselves for those few days? It's because, despite the rapid weight loss, it comes back. The only way to get rid of that weight is to either become anorexic/bulimic, or eat healthily and do exercise. Take it from a person who's contemplated starving herself many times, who HAS tried it before. Sure, guess what, I did lose some weight. But my stomach also started to eat itself and then I got a stomach ulcer. When someone even HUGGED me, I got a horrible, stabbing pain in my upper and lower abdomen. And then I had to force myself to eat when I thought I wasn't hungry , because your body doesn't send you the impulses like it usually does. Now, I still eat when I'm not hungry and I ended up GAINING weight!

    I know it's hard. I hate exercising and getting sweaty, and I still wonder if I should just try skipping meals again. But I know what the consequences will be. I don't want to look like some skinny model; I just don't want a fat stomach. But by starving yourself, and then eating normally, over and over again; or by purging, or constantly starving yourself, you're going to ruin your body even though it'll get thin. I'd rather be a little overweight than lose my entire life to an eating disorder.
  • I found out how to make your metabolism faster: cardio exercise. Anything that gets your heart a-pumping, such as biking, walking at a good pace, jogging, etc. Your metabolism skyrockets and you can eat more and not put on weight. Or you can EAT THE SAME AMOUNT AND LOSE WEIGHT!

    In addition, Pilates is excellent for losing weight. You can learn some of the exercises from their infomercials.

    And I don't have to tell you how good it feels to eat! I went on a crash diet. It sucked at first, and my stupid stomach wouldn't shut up! I was tired and hungry and I just wanted my favorite foods! But then I got used to it. I held my head higher every day. I was proud of myself for controlling my eating. I got better and better at it. And I got skinnier. You could see it in my face and everywhere else, although it wasn't THAT fast. But, one morning I woke up sick. I panicked. I vomited water. IT WAS AWFUL. But I KEPT GOING. I "stayed strong," and didn't "let myself go." Or so I told myself.

    I found ways of not letting people know that I wasn't eating, such as making the dinner while my mum was on her walk and telling her I had already eaten; or dirtying plates to make it look like I had eaten. You get the idea. I kept on and on, until I started to lose less weight than before, but I kept going.

    Then, I started to die. Seriously, die. My brain didn't work as well as it used to. I began to get weaker and weaker. I damaged my liver, my kidneys and my heart (emotionally as well as physically). I had been known for my quick wit and imagination. Then I was dying. I put my weight above EVERYTHING. Now I was dying. I couldn't be ME. I COULDN'T BE ME ANYMORE. I was sick and I needed help.

    I began to eat. At first, I couldn't. I vomited it. I wanted to eat good food (junk food) but I managed to be strong and only eat fruit, vegetables and grains. I drank soy milk (no lactose). I began to come back to life. I still hated myself for eating at that stage. I thought to myself: "How weak. All that time, wasted. You stupid fat pig." But I began to pray. Although this might sound stupid to some of you, please hear me out.

    I prayed: "What the hell am I doing. There ain't anyone listening. Are you going crazy, you...?" But I kept praying, what the hell? And my prayers got answered. I didn't know that would happen. I just didn't know what to do, so I simply prayed. And I got better. I figured how to be how I wanted. And I shared some of that with you before. And I found out that God actually exists. I thought he didn't, but he is there, so there! I am happy now! And I have someone who loves me! He always has, he said, and he always will -- even if I do something really bad. And he told me that it doesn't matter if I am the fattest girl in the UNIVERSE, he still loves me! This blew me away!

    So anyway, I'm free, I'm me, I'm happy, I'm not depressed anymore. I am worth something and beautiful to someone, and I think that's all I needed.
  • Starving is not the right way to go. It's a very unhealthy thing to do; what you need to do is just eat healthily and do exercise! Another VERY important reason not to starve yourself is because it shuts down a lot of organs in your body because they don't get enough nutrients to keep it working and you can EASILY become infertile! Is it really worth it? Is it worth not having children some day and not being able to share this joy? So, please think about this before you go on starving yourself. Just exercise and you'll lose the same amount of weight.
  • Starving yourself to lose weight is the worst possible thing you can do to your body.
  • Sure it will work, but it doesn't mean its GOOD for you... By the time you are 20 or 30, you'll end up having heart failure and liver failure and kidney failure and every other organ in your body failing.
  • I just want to tell you know that, from starving, I lost a baby after I became pregnant.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Dream..........

Inilah antara rumah idaman tengah simpan2 duit utk tunaikan .......hope mu hubby tidak terkejut ya tgk sample2 design ni semua........... ( kuat2 ok cari duit )...emmm paling penting disini wardrobe.........mau mcm wardrobe si kimora, tak lah juga barang ku begitu banyak kan........kuikuikui..........sama ke dua important bilik mandi.......kedua2 item ni mesti ada CERMIN............feng shui bah kata orang.............sapa2 yang sudi berkongsi design dengan ku silakan lah ya :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7 Kg LAGI !

My god, consultan cakap 7kg lagi tau mau kasi turun....aduh cukup kah juga masa aku ni....lagi 1 bulan setengah ni ..........apapun work hard n tambah displin lagi lah ni aku more ayam goreng ( walaupun kelmarin aku dah makan 1 biji di upperstar ).. ..alternatif puasa okey...banyak juga kebaikan puasa ni...salah satu nya dapat mencuci perut dan untuk kesihatan semestinya :)
so u guys jom lah puasa sama2 selain kita mendapat pahala dan keredhannya dari NYA :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Wedding Outfit

seakan2 begini lah aku punya wedding outfit for arabian nightoutfit but my outfit silver god! i tell u...tailor tu sangat2 memahami citarasa ku.........from bottom of my heart thanks you banyak muahhhhhhhhh......alhamdulilah...semuanya apa yg dirancangkan menjadi...semoga ALLAH mempermudahkan lagi kerja2 seterusnya......amin

Monday, July 12, 2010

Door Gift

Syukran door gifts for my beloved guests dah beli....susah juga nak cari sebab limit sangat pilihan......tapi alhamdulilah......semuanya dpt diatasi di nanti after wedding i akan post okay....suprise bah kata urang......

Door Gift utk merenjis pun sudah okay......n lain drp yg lain lah...... utk majlis persandingan plak i tak akan lupakan yang lama....kadang2 heran juga ni majlis kawin2 tak ada telur udah majlis persandingan i nanti, bunga telur akan dibagi n tempat nya exclusive.......very garden.....ok lah sampai sini jak updated my wedding.......masih tercari2 yang unik :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Slot Zehra - Janji Kekasih

Selepas Nur Kasih........drama ni memikat hatiku.....drama yg berunsur dakwah.....tadi baru jak melekat kat tv3.....n uhhh jue aziz i respect u good acting.....n wajah lembut ayu raudah........pelakun lelaki yg mmg i minat gila 'awak'......dengan kemerduan afgan menendangkan lagu Padamu ke Bersujud................i think u all kenalah luangkan masa tgk drama ni ok...memandangkan ramadhan x lama lagi jd ringan2 kan tulang ya watch thiss drama.........

Ost Janji Kekasih

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Love Edward

Cold Ones.......Bloodsucker..........semalam terlepas gian tengok eclipse sama my beloved friends affie n dk..........sama cousin2 n adik siyayang gumuk.....GOD! very romantic charming....wat i can say...really best best best............tapi i think baju buku lebih best......!..........

Mcm biasalah kebencian ku sama JACOB BLACK yang menghasut si Bella supaya jgn sama si EDWARD..........helloooooo...u tu bagus sangat kah........... :) i respect gila sama si edward tak mcm si wolf hitam keji tu,.....kuikuikui.........

Kalau aku ada Mr Protective kan best..........angan2 sekejap......