Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gathering Hijabers Community Sabah- Cawangan Sandakan

Salam Semua............

Sekarang ni selain menjadi suri rumah,isteri,ibu dan anak & new focus now kepada Hijaber's Community Sabah...................

Hijabers Community founded on September 10, 2011 in Kota Kinabalu Sabah by 2 Hijabs friends, Azean Zea & Ratna Halim who think that wearing Hijab is not a limit for muslimah to be chic, fashion forward and yet still covered.

Around 20-30 hijabers different background and proffesions were gathered to share their journey,vision and passion towards Islam to form a community that Insyallah will accomodate events,charity,hijab and muslimah.

From fashion to Islamic studies,from style to makeup and at the same time learning more about Islam to be a better Muslimah for our future generation.To understand Islam does not limit women to be independent.

And with hope this community will bring us together to unite ,learning from each other and meet new friends.Barakollah!

So what are you waiting for? Join our community, meet new friends, learn new things, let's be role models, join Hijabers Community Sabah!

Follow us on:
twitter - @hijaberscsabah
blog -
Facebook Page - Hijabers Community Sabah

Ok itu sedikit info ttg hope hjabers semua join lah community ni............sedikit sebanyak dapat mengisi masa lapang kita yang terbiar tu ingin saya warwar kan disini.........................saya wakil drp admin cawangan sandakan ingin mengajak anda ke events kami yang pertama julung2 kali diadakan check it now ;-

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